Ballinter Montessori School

Sept 2023

Your child's first days in school

The new school term starts Wednesday 30th August .

For the first week to support children in the ‘Settling In’ period we open for 2. 5 hours per day from 30th August – 5th September inclusive. From 6th September we will return to normal school hours.

For the first weeks the children will be given simple tasks, sand/water, painting, play-dough, familiar toys, singing, story-time etc., all which are re-assuring for the child in the early days.

 Gradually the Montessori materials are introduced and the toys removed, the children enjoy the materials so much they never miss the toys.

 Below are some useful tips for settling your child into school and helping them adjust to their new routine.

Prepare your child

Prepare them by talking about going to Montessori school in September. Discuss the other children he will meet, friends, neighbours, cousins, that there will be lots of new things to do.

 Tell him that you will be doing some ordinary activities, i.e. working, shopping, tennis or golf. Try to make sure it is something you usually do without him, so that he won’t feel he is missing an activity you usually share.

 Please do not over exaggerate the excitement of Montessori school either. School is not Disneyland, so be realistic when discussing school with your child.

 You might like to talk about how he will begin by doing puzzles, colouring, painting, playing with play-dough, singing, reading stories etc. These are simple activities he will be doing for the first few weeks.

 Simple tasks and familiar toys are re-assuring for children in the early days. Once the children have settled Montessori materials will be introduced little by little.

Leaving in the Morning Farewell

If you the parent are happy that your child is ready to leave you for the morning, your child will know. Don’t be alarmed if your child enjoys the first few days of school and then announces that he has had enough. This phase will pass when he gets used to the idea that this is the new routine and that you want him to enjoy spending the morning with his new friends.

 Always reassure your child that you, or the person that you have nominated to collect him will be back at going home time (the children understand that this is after circle time.

 Please do not say “I’ll be back in a minute”, as even a very small child knows that a minute is a very short span of time, and he will feel very let down if you are not back ‘in a minute’



Every young child strives towards independence. Please help him/her by choosing clothes that he/she can manage with as little help as possible. Velcro fastening, shoes, tracksuits, leggings, trousers with elasticised waists, all make life less complicated for a little person.

 Warning – mini jeans may look cute but that button is impossible for a small child, especially if he is in a hurry! A child gets a great feeling of self confidence when able to dress himself.


Help and encourage (very gently) your child to use the bathroom by himself. Many children have a natural shyness and prefer not to have to ask the teacher for help.

 In some rare cases a child may put off going to the toilet altogether until going home time, and this can lead to embarrassing accidents, sometimes in the car on the way home.

 Personal hygiene is best taught as home, and will give your child the sense of confidence and security he/she needs now that it is time to leave home for a few hours every day.

Collection please! please! return to collect your child promptly at the appointed time.

Remember they will enjoy the time in Montessori, but once the first child is collected may worry if they cannot see her mum/dad or minder.